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Work with Us

We are looking for Bloggers, writers, photographers, video makers and websites who would like to join forces for mutual benefit.

Outsiders knowledge of China is very limited and this is something we are keen to change in the near future by providing a platform for people who have visited China or those that live in China to pass on valuable insider information to enable visitors to enjoy their travels and be aware of certain cultural differences.

We cover a wide range of subjects and try to build a good working relationship with organisations to enable our writers access to events. We also like to work with associates to further their own particular needs whether it is to advertise themselves or their websites and blogs.

If you fancy trying your hand at blogging, if you fulfil certain criteria, we will be happy to allow you to write articles for the blog and offer constructive advice on your career development.

If you are interested or have some suggestions, just get in touch with us at

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